Botswana (Foreign Buyer Transfer Increased)

BOTSWANA – FOREIGN BUYER TRANSFER DUTY UPPED TO 30% FURTHER HAMPERS RECOVERY While Botswana experienced two lockdown periods (6-weeks in March to May and a further 2-weeks in June), Julie Denyer, a director for Seeff Botswana, says the Transfer Duty Act Amendment of 2019, effective from the 1st March has exasperated the situation.  It introduced […]

SADC Countries Real Estate Markets Decline


SADC PROPERTY MARKETS WEIGHED DOWN BY COVID AND EXPAT DEPARTURES    While South Africa’s housing market continues its post-Covid lockdown bounce-back, driven by the low-interest rate and favorable mortgage lending climate, especially in the low to middle-class suburbs, it has been a mixed bag for neighboring SADC countries.  According to Samuel Seeff, chairman of the […]

Lagos State Real Estate Transaction Regulatory Passed


NIGERIA – THE LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT ENACTS LAGOS STATE REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION REGULATORY AUTHORITY LAW   The Lagos state government has enacted the Lagos State Real Estate Transaction Regulatory Authority Law to curb activities of unscrupulous real estate agents and those who pose as estate developers to scam investors. The Lagos State Real Estate Regulatory […]